Do you know what is the Rule of Law in British Values? There are 5 British values that every citizen of Britain is expected to act on, and one such is the Rule of Law. This article will give you an insight into the Rule of law in British values.
1. An Introduction to British Values
Fundamental British values refer to the code of practices which a citizen of Britain must stick to. These values assure harmony and brotherhood in society.
Moreover, schools teach students these values so that they know the importance of mutual respect in society.
The values are an integral part of our routine lives and hence should be understood by daily life examples. For example, what if children engage in bullying in class? What if they cheat and copy in their examination? So, there are some values that they must be aware of and adhere to the same.
Knowing these British values will help them understand the proper conduct in such situations.
2. What are the 5 British Values?
Firstly, let us know about the 5 British Values:
2.1 Democracy

Democracy refers to the ability of citizens to choose their representatives and exercise their free will.
Democracy in a country gives its citizens the right to vote. Moreover, citizens have the power to express their opinions.
2.2. Individual Liberty
Individual liberty stands for personal freedom with no random restrictions. As a result, one can choose the way of life they want to live.
2.3. The Rule of Law

Laws are supreme, and people should abide by them. Equality is a significant element of the rule of law.
2.4. Mutual Respect
The idea of having regard and dignity for other people despite their differences. It is the sense of moral responsibility towards other people in the society.

2.5. Tolerance of Different Cultures and Religions
It refers to tolerance towards people of different faiths, beliefs and religious and ethnic backgrounds.
People should see themselves as citizens of Britain and not as people with different interests and backgrounds.
3. What is the Rule of Law in British Values?
Laws are essential for the smooth functioning of the society. Without rules, there will be supremacy of one section of humanity over the other.
But laws should be transparent and fair. The courts which decide on these laws should be free of any external force.
Imagine a situation where laws apply arbitrarily. For example, the government imposes different rules on different sections of the society. What if laws are used based on religion and vary according to faith?
Also, what if some people can skip the traffic signals while others wait for the call to turn green? As a result, the society becomes unequal. Sounds unfair, right? So this is the reason why the rule of law becomes essential.
The rule of law refers to equality in the application of the law. All citizens are to be treated equally in the eyes of the law. No one is above the law, and the rules are fair and not random.
The rule of law is critical to fit into the diversity of a country. It also provides a safe environment for all to live with dignity.
3.1. The Components of the Rule of Law
Let us now understand the components of the Rule of Law:
3.1.1 Fairness

The first element is fairness. Fairness in the rule of law refers to the impartial legal process.
To clarify, every citizen possesses the right to appear before the Court of Justice and be treated equally. Furthermore, the idea of innocent until proven guilty is the basis of the rule of law.
The court that exercises power to punish should be fair and free from outside influence.
3.1.2 Equality

Equality is a significant prerequisite to ensure the rule of law. The powerful, the weak, the privileged, and the marginalized should be treated equally. No special favours are to be provided to any citizen.
Laws should not discriminate among citizens. There should be no division in society based on race, religion, nationality or ethnicity.
3.1.3 Liberty
Liberty in the rule of law allows people to live and develop freely. Unless the law prohibits it, people can exercise their choice and freedom.
Thus, individual liberty is limited by laws and regulations. Several societal rules ensure one person’s freedom and independence do not threaten others.
Nevertheless, it still gives people the scope to express themselves freely.
3.2 How do you ensure the rule of law in a society?
Not only do laws protect human rights, but they also maintain order in the country. Any divergence from the laws may result in arrest and imprisonment. This is an essential condition to preserve the rule of law because, without penalty, the law loses its value.
The government makes several legislations and policies to ensure the rule of law in society. It is the parliament that is responsible for making fair laws.
The laws should be reasonable and keep the country’s diversity in mind.
Furthermore, access to justice also becomes one crucial factor here. The judicial system in the country should be fair and impartial.
In Britain, educational institutions are responsible for teaching British values to students at an early age. The planning of the curriculum includes learning the five stages in the school community.
During the academic year, these values are discussed with the students. Further, British values are merged into subjects like citizenship, history, health and social education.
Key Takeaways
In summary, teaching these values to students is undoubtedly a good practice. It makes children aware of the fundamental British values at an early age.
So, finally, what is the rule of law in British values? To sum up, it is the idea of equality in society. It stands for the notion of the same law for everyone. In addition, it is the idea of justice along with fairness.
Last Updated on December 6, 2023 by Priya