Lavender essential oil is one of the most versatile and popular oils and has been used for centuries due to its many known benefits. These range from calming properties to healing skin and hair growth, so no essential oil collection is complete without it.
1. Defining Lavender Essential Oil
The oil comes from the flowers of the lavender plant, which is known scientifically as Lavandula angustifolia. Steam distillation is how we’re able to extract and concentrate this oil. It captures the essence of fragrance that this plant gives off, along with its therapeutic properties.
2. Understanding Lavender Essential Oil
2.1. Extraction and Production Process
The production of lavender essential oil begins with the careful cultivation of lavender plants. Once they reach peak bloom, the flowers are harvested and distilled. This crucial process involves steam passing through the lavender, which releases the oil from the plant material.
2.2. Different Types and Grades of Lavender Essential Oil
There are multiple types of lavender oil, each with specific characteristics. Some oils are more suited for therapeutic uses, while others may be used in perfumery. The grade of the oil also affects its application, with the therapeutic grade being the highest quality available.
3. Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil
This isn’t your ordinary oil! Not even close. It boasts abilities to calm your mind, soothe irritations on the skin, and improve sleep quality. There’s a reason why families stock up on this bottle. To be more specific, here are some benefits you can expect:
- Relaxation and Stress Relief: Known mainly for its calming and relaxing abilities. Reduces stress and anxiety and promotes a sense of overall well-being. Diffusing lavender oil or adding a few drops into your bath can help create a peaceful environment which eases relaxation.
- Sleepy Time: Millions struggle with insomnia or at least trouble falling asleep for good nights’ sleep anyway. According to a report, there has been an increase in the prevalence of anxiety symptoms from 19% to 39% when compared to the pre-covid period to the year 2020 in the United Kingdom. That’s where lavender comes in! It helps out by improving sleep quality, promoting relaxation, and reducing anxiety. Adding a few drops onto your pillow or using it in a diffuser in your bedroom creates an atmosphere that promotes better sleep.
- Skin Care: Inflammation such as sunburns, insect bites, minor cuts, or scrapes have no chance against lavender oil. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial capabilities to take care of them all. Merely diluting it with another oil, like coconut oil, and then applying it topically can alleviate issues like those mentioned above.
- Pain Relief: Besides being anti-inflammatory, it can also remove the pain. Ingesting a few drops of lavender oil with water can help alleviate headaches, muscle aches, joint pain, and menstrual cramps. It’s your go-to for hurting body parts.
- Respiratory Health: Once inhaled, this wondrous oil begins helping out your respiratory system by fighting off congestion, coughs, and sinusitis. Lavender oil can promote easier breathing due to its antibacterial properties. If you don’t have a diffuser, open the bottle and sniff deeply.
Lavender’s Healing Esters for Skin
Renato Fernandes, the Clinical Nutritionist at Saude Pulso, discusses unique qualities that set lavender oil apart for skin care solutions:
“Essential oils and blends are really powerful when it comes to skincare and wellness. They’ve been used for ages in natural therapies. Some essential oils, like lavender, are known for their ability to help with skin issues.
Lavender, for example, has compounds called esters that are good for skin healing.
There are others too, like tea tree and clove, which help manage acne, and chamomile, which contains azulene that can support cellular turnover and strengthen the skin barrier.
But here’s the thing: Some essential oils, such as clove, turmeric, and eucalyptus, can be irritating to the skin if not diluted. Some citrus oils can cause sensitivity too.
So, if your skin is already very sensitive, it might be best to avoid these oils. Lavender, though, is generally safe for all skin types.”
4. How to Use Lavender Essential Oil
There’s no one way to use the lavender essential oil. You can try many different ways like:
- Aromatherapy: Adding a few drops of pure lavender oil with another oil to a diffuser or inhaling directly from the bottle will give you aromatic benefits.
- Topical Application: Mixing it with another oil like jojoba or coconut before applying it to your skin is vital here. Without diluting it with other oils, skin irritation could occur, so don’t forget this step when trying to soothe your skin.
- Bath: You’ve heard this one before! Adding lavender oil to a hot bath promotes relaxation and soothes minor issues on the skin.
- Pillow Spray: Since it helps us sleep better, we might as well spritz some onto our pillows, right? Mix water and a few drops of lavender into a spray bottle and spritz!
5. Incorporating Lavender Essential Oil into Daily Life
Lavender oil is versatile and can be used in almost anything — giving you plenty of opportunities to enjoy its benefits. Here are a few ways you can use them.
1. As DIY Home Products:
Making your own soaps, lotions, candles, or room sprays will give you the best-smelling products around.
2. As Soaps and Lotions:
When you mix lavender oil with other ingredients, it’ll turn into a lotion or soap that hydrates your skin along with other benefits.
3. In the form of Candles and Room Sprays
Burn a candle or spray some air freshener to bring a calm atmosphere wherever you are.
4. Using Lavender in Self-Care Practices
Adding lavender oil to massage oils or bath oils will make the experience ten times better. If you practice deep breathing or meditation, including it, it won’t hurt either.
5. Massage and Bath Oils
A therapeutic massage isn’t complete without the beautiful, soothing scent of lavender. This same reasoning applies to a nice hot bath as well.
6. Relaxation Techniques:
Using lavender oil to calm your nerves is an excellent idea. Stress and anxiety may be some of the hardest things you have to deal with, but it’s nothing that some oil can’t fix.
6. Safety Precautions
Even though this thing has plenty of health benefits, it can still cause problems. Some people might have allergies towards the product and not even know it. You don’t want to discover if you’re one of those people through trial and error, so be careful!
You should also keep in mind that the bodies of children and pets respond differently than adults do. Just because an adult is safe around it doesn’t mean their fur baby or human baby is too!
Final Thoughts on Harnessing the Power of Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender is the best thing since sliced bread. I mean, it’s hard to think of something better that isn’t a crazy expensive fancy gadget. It can help you in many ways and at a low cost! So why not use it?
Guest Author: Saket Kumar
Last Updated on March 8, 2024 by Saket