Rise of the Nazis BBC film unearths the experiences of persecution and discrimination towards a race fueled by hatred. This is not just a story but a reality that the people of Germany lived in at that time.
The film revives the long-forgotten atrocities that Jews experienced due to the Nazis’ dissemination of ideas. In addition, the film has dramatically favoured the Jewish community through the profound depths of despair and anguish that characterized this harrowing chapter of history.
Therefore, if you are a historian, you’ll love this film. Apart from that, you’ll also learn some great lessons to implement in your life.
1. Germany First World War
The 1919, Treaty of Versailles brought the aftermath of World War which affected Germany, resulting in social unrest and economic crisis. The severe conditions of the treaty, which included restrictions, intensified pre-existing resentments and seriously hurt German pride. The rise of the nazis exploited the nation to fill the void with unbeatable regulations.
After the backdrop, Hitler brought himself to the surface as the saviour of humanity. However, he claimed himself the chosen one who would get Germany back to its former by correcting perceived injustices.
He also embarked upon expanding territory bringing on to the outbreak of World War II in 1939, which caused millions of lives to be lost.
2. Influence of the Nazi’s Propaganda
Hitler was the former head of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party. He portrayed himself as a man who is against all the wrongs taking place at that time.
However, he knew to exploit the widespread resentment tapping into the collective desire through revolution and using his evil ends to Germany’s democracy.

Behind his facade of compassion, he propagated an ideology that called forth the genocide of millions. Furthermore, his party was also influencing the youth to support them at that time, which was wrong.
2.1. Hitler and His Diplomatic Manipulations
We all know Hitler was excellent at manipulations and all. So, he used this power to influence everyone. Again, we know the youth’s power. Hitler very well knew, that if he managed to bring youth into his party, there is a low chance of their downfall. In addition, he also knew only youths could continue his party in the future.
Moreover, Hitler had a deep distrust of established political parties, and institutions; he saw them as a part of a corrupt and lacking political system. He also represented himself as he believed in a law-based order state. By positioning outside the right wing, he presented himself as the only option that could bring true change and fill the aspirations.
However, instead of aligning with other established political parties, the Nazi Party sought to eliminate rivals through elections, intimidation, and violence.
2.2. Schleicher’s Game
Most of you don’t know about Schleicher, but he played an important role in this film. As a chancellor in the early 1930s, he made an effort to create a government without any support. In addition, he wanted
to manipulate them for the Nazi party to serve his political perspective. Overall, he was trying to the game that Hitler was already playing.
But Hitler understood the dynamics between Schleicher and himself and it ultimately played out differently. Schleicher underestimated Hitler a lot because he didn’t know that Hitler was a skilled strategist and a manipulator who got around him on political stability and secured his regime by proving his thoughts wrong.
Hitler also gained support from influential groups and individuals. Country instability allowed him to be the only viable option leader capable of bringing stability and addressing the nation’s woes.

3. The Death of Democracy
Hitler was appointed as a chancellor in 1933. He wasted no time in destroying democratic values after establishing his power. Even the slightest criticism was not welcomed, and questions raised by the media were silenced by brute force.
He curtailed basic civil liberties too. Because of his dictatorship, democracy was dead at that time.
Enabling Act – 1933 March
Furthermore, the act granted Nazis powers allowing them to bypass rules without the Reichstag’s consent. They also purged political opponents, banned political parties, and silenced critical voices in the media. People who were raising their voices against them were treated worse and even sent to jail.
In addition, the Nazis attempted to impose ideological rules on education, culture, and daily life to dominate every area of society. They tried to shape the young minds for their rise through campaigns. Their regime used a legacy of control, the SS grew brutality over opposition to silent dissent.

4. The Night of Long Knives
Night of Long Knives was a series of events that led removal of many political opponents within the Nazi Party. They used the guide to the deaths of several significant figures, including SA’s leader Ernst.
In addition, they advanced their agenda through politics to seize power in Germany – through his persona and speeches. Hitler seeded the rage in the hearts of Germans for Jews. That’s how he expanded his party’s political base.
Coalitions and alliances – His partnerships with conservative nationalist groups led him to secure the majority needed to pass the Enabling Act. Also, the major reason to make alliances with distinct communities was to gain political power.
Manipulative campaigns – The Nazi party used propaganda to fill their heads with Nazis and shape public opinions, whether through media, radio, or literature of philosophers were violently quashed, and dictatorship began.
Reichstag Fire – Almost 4,000 communists were locked up in the name of police protection. The 1933 fire was a pivotal event Nazis portrayed to crack down on their opponents, the Communist Party. It always brought choices before a few whistle-blowers to question the rise of Nazis.
5. Himmler and Dachau: Secret Death Camps Began

As the SS’s leader, Heinrich Himmler had a lot of authority over concentration camps (Dachau). All of their operations were brutal and inhumane. The horrors of World II served as a chilling reminder of unchecked power.
Also, the rise of the nazis brought to dismantle the aristocratic elite and re-establish the German state.
Furthermore, Dachau was not just an imprisonment but also a location where people and communities were based on some prejudice of impure race and inferiority. Also, they were tortured and killed.
With time, its scope expanded to all those who were undesirable to Nazis. In addition, they endured brute force labour and medical experiments.
6. Defeat of the Nazi Regime
The defeat of the German armed forces and military losses made the Nazi regime more vulnerable.
6.1. NATO–
It has huge members of the military and because of this, they played a successful role in defeating the Nazis. Relevant offensives were launched against Nazi Germany by the US and the Soviet Union. Assault by the West also put a strain on Germany and caused the Nazi resistance to gradually crumble.
6.2. Unconditional Surrender–
After Hitler’s death and the fall of Berlin, the remaining party was too futile to resist alone. After all, no person in that party could run them like Hiler. Having no commander who can manage them, leads to their downfall. Therefore, they willingly surrendered to the Allies, ending the Nazi regime.
6.3 Nuremberg Trials–
The Allies held the Nuremberg trials, a series of military courts that tried prominent Nazi officials to perpetrate war crimes and crimes against humanity.
6.4. Denazification–
To eradicate Nazi influences from society, efforts were made to make up for the death of humanity. Amidst all the chaos, one leader stood up against all, “Winston Churchill”. He also opposed Hitler and the pact of world domination.

During the rise of the nazis, historians played a vital role in raising awareness of the nazis’ ideologies that adopted the path of ultimate destruction. The acclaimed documentary Rise of the nazis BBC is available on the Apple TV app as we can watch the era through BBC.
The rise of the Nazis’ BBC was a complex process and was influenced by a combination of different factors. We discover how historians realize his cunning political plan increased, and it was surprising how Hitler’s intentions escaped the grim reality.
With the fall of the Nazi regime leaving a lasting impact on the world, this dark chapter teaches us strong lessons not to let history be repeated.
How to Watch This Series?
The series is based on past events that we all should watch. However, you can watch it on many platforms like Amazon Prime Video channels, Apple TV app, BBC Select, and Roku channel.
Select any of the platforms to watch this series, and you can also watch other series based on the harsh realities of history there.
Last Updated on August 6, 2023 by Ananya Sreen