The significant instability in Europe during World War I led to World War II, which involved most countries.
The First World War had already created massive losses globally, and the priority was to safeguard the integrity of the nations and avoid any further war efforts. Still, when World War II happened, everything shattered in the first place.
The war began with two highly energetic groups, Allied and Axis forces. One must know some World War II facts to get complete insights into past events.
Impact of First World War & World War II – 8 Facts to Know
When the World War I ended in 1918, people wanted no more World Wars. This didn’t happen as World War II was even more drastic.

The German invasion of Poland under Hitler’s regime was something that can never be erased from history.
The world faced a major crisis in every aspect, whether financially or by any other means. Mankind lost its fate and felt devastated.
The Second World War happened just two decades after World War 1. The global war occurred between 1939-45. The riot happened between the Axis powers, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Allied powers, Great Britain, Russia, and the U.S.
World War II was even more destructive than World War I. The war has created fear among the people globally. Lives were at stake, and massive destruction happened. Each incident led to suffering and the spread of haterade among people.
Now, let us dive into 8 such facts of World War II.
1. The Root Cause behind World War 2
The primary reason behind World War II was Adolf Hitler, the leader of Germany, who decided to rule over Europe along with the Nazi Party. Their only motive was to become more powerful and prosperous.

Adolf Hitler was firm about his decision to take over Poland, which led to war later on. Other countries also shook hands and joined the war.
Adolf Hitler became the national pride of Germans and Prime Minister in 1933.
2. The Axis and the Allied Powers
The allies of Germany, Italy, and Japan were formed and named as Axis powers. The German invasion led these countries, Adolf Hitler, along with Benito Mussolini, who was an Italian dictator, and Japanese Emperor Hirohito,
Allied powers, such as Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union, led the opposition party.
Five more countries joined the Axis during World War 2: Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, and Croatia.
The United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union led the Allied powers. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin led these countries.

3. Facts Related to Axis and Allied Forces
The Pact of Steel, an alliance between Germany and Italy, was signed by Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini on May 22, 1939.
In the beginning, the German dictator Adolf Hitler was firm in invading and occupying Poland.
Secret negotiations did happen after the signing of the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, in which the Germans and the Soviets both agreed that Poland should be divided between them.
In the beginning, Adolf Hitler thought that Germany could attack Poland without any disturbance from Soviet or British intervention and ordered the invasion on August 26, but on the flip side, the news of the signing on August 25 spread.
Things became uneasy, causing him to postpone the war temporarily for a few days.

The hindrance didn’t stop Hitler, and he declared war against Poland. The armed forces of Hitler believed in their spirit, and the war began. In response, Great Britain and France declared war on Germany on 3rd September.
The largest war in history had seen a drastic ending with death cases of between 40,000,000-50,000,000, making World War 2 the most significant conflict ever.
4. World War II Duration
World War II was an expansive war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. The war was fought between the Axis forces and the Allied forces.
The Second World War was the continuation of World War I. The war ended, leaving its effect worldwide.
World War 2 was fought in Europe and many places worldwide. Adding to facts about World War 2, millions of Germans were imprisoned and later killed because they could not stand out on Adolf Hitler’s expectations.
At the time when the German invasion took place for power in Europe, the Japanese attack on China also happened. Japanese military attacked China under Emperor Hirohito to gain power in Europe. The main aim of Japan was to control Asia and the Pacific.
The Nazi party leader Adolf Hitler believed in his willpower, prepared his armed forces, and signed strategic treaties with Japan and Italy to fulfill his dream of dominating the world.
Hitler’s invasion of Poland was the reason for the conflict. Great Britain and France declared war on Germany, and World War 2 began.
The estimation says 45-60 million people were killed, and 6 million were murdered in Hitler’s Nazi concentration camps. In Hitler’s sinister, it was named the “Final Solution,” now called the Holocaust.
5. US in World War II
On December 7, 1941, the United States declared war on Japan. However, US involvement in the Second World War completely changed the nation’s structure. Millions of men and women get involved quickly after the war.
People got involved in the war and started supporting the armed forces with whatever means they got.
During the war, American citizens joined a multi-program to meet the demand for steel as the demand increased. American citizens have started recycling scrap metal devices. American forces’ entry helped to get economic growth back to normal.

Adding to World War 2 facts, one thing that happened was President Franklin D. Roosevelt declaring that as the United States is neutral in law, it doesn’t mean it remains neutral in the thought process.
The United Kingdom lacked the capital to pay its army and urgently needed help from the United States.
On the flip side, President Roosevelt was stopped not to help any country as it was against American law and would affect the netizens of the United States.
The Neutrality Act of 1939 allowed armies to purchase war material from the United States based on “cash and carry.”

The Johnson Act of 1934 says that the countries guilty of not paying the U.S. loans are not allowed any further credit.
On December 17, President Roosevelt proposed a new initiative called Lend-Lease. The United States contracted Lend-Lease agreements with more than 30 countries, and 50$ billion was spent on assistance.
This was a clear strategy of the United States to defeat Nazi Germany without entering the war until it saw the war effort in the army of the United States. When American forces were not physically participating in the war, this was a clear picture in front of the world.
6. Order of Invasion
The war began in Europe in 1939 with the invasion of Poland. After this, attacks happened in Denmark and Norway and, after that, in Belgium. Netherlands and France were the following targets that were achieved.
The battle of Britain began in 1940. Unfortunately, this was Germany’s first failure. The German Air Force, Luftwaffe, could not defeat Britain’s Royal Air Force.
Later on, Germany extended the war to Greece and North Africa. The Greek campaign failed, and in early 1941, Germany was forced to come to Italy’s assistance.
In 1941, the Germans invaded the Soviet Union. Between 1937-41, the central conflict between Japan and China led to influence US relations with both nations.
When Chinese and Japanese forces clashed with each other on the Marco Polo Bridge near Beijing, the war between these two nations reached another level.
Initially, the USA used to supply oil, iron, steel, and whatever the Japanese army needed at that time, but unfortunately, after a time, the USA had to stop.
After January 1940, the United States increased aid to China and the land lease program with Japan to facilitate all the military support.

After facing an apparent shortage, Japanese leaders concluded they would remain calm. However, US leaders had not given up on a negotiated settlement and doubted that a Japanese attack might happen on the US.
Precisely, it happened, which was quite shocking; Japanese planes bombed the US fleet at Pearl Harbor on the 7th of December 1941. Thousands of Americans were wounded and killed. American ships and aircraft were destroyed in the war. In answer to this, the US declared war on Japan.
Talking about World War 2 facts and missing the battle of Midway isn’t possible. It was a significant turning point in the history of World War 2.
Japan tried to make a surprise attack on the US but failed drastically as Americans were attentive this time and cracked Japan’s communication codes. As a result, Japan experienced a heavy loss.
7. The Major Events
World War II was a global war, and it left its mark for years to come. People around the globe talk about it and still get goosebumps over what has happened in the past.
On May 8, 1945, Germany surrendered in front of the world. The primary attack on Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki is one of the most terrible events in World War 2.
The atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, after which Japan surrendered on 2nd September 1945.
This was the very first time when the atomic weapon had been used in a war so far. Besides knowing that this will be horrible in the future, the incident happened.
After World War II ended, many instructions followed during the World War, including the death of people and a massive loss of capital and property. Countless people were injured during the war.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki faced significant destruction. The effect of the atomic bomb is terrible as people have physical disabilities and are still recovering from them. A clear warning that no more world war is needed in the future.
8. After War Scenes
The war between the Allied and Axis powers resulted in the deterioration of the world population by 4 percent. Allied plans and US decisions lead to future issues. The divergent plans on the Korean peninsula led to the Korean War in 1950.
One of the conspiracies is the United Nations partition plan for Palestine that pushed Israel to declare its independence in 1948 and continue the Arab-Israeli conflict.
World War II was undoubtedly the most influential event of the twentieth century. The destruction that happened during world war is uncountable. This also leads to the dawn of the nuclear age.
Conversely, America was the most influential country and emerged as the most powerful nation worldwide. The military and economic power of the US is unparalleled.
The women’s section is mainly discussed soon after the declaration of war amongst the nations. Women participated in the war by different means. Women enjoyed employment gains during the war. This was iconic to see women in manufacturing factories for the first time in history.

There is sorrow and deeply shattered feelings among the people globally. The war had shaken people mentally and physically. People lose their close ones, and nations face conflicts.
The war ended, and the Soviet Union won Berlin and later accepted the German surrender. World War II facts do not end here; there is much more to know as a reader.
The end of the state of war with Germany was declared by former allies in the year 1950. In the Petersberg agreement of 22nd November 1949, it was said that West Germany wanted to end the state war.
Dates to Remember of World War II
- January 30, 1933
On this date. Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany.
- September 29, 1938
Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France signed the Munich agreement.
- September 17, 1939
Germany invades Poland. This was the same year Poland’s allies Britain and France and the war began with Germany.
- September 17, 1939
The Soviet Union invaded Poland on this date. Soviet leader Joseph Stalin ordered the invasion of Poland.
- September 27, 1939
Warsaw surrenders to German forces. A day to remember: Poland was kept on hold for nine days.
- December 13, 1939
The first naval engagement of the Second World War happened on this day when British cruisers defeated German soldiers.
- December 7, 1941
On December 7, 1941, the Japanese army attacked Pearl Harbor, surprisingly, on Oahu island.
- December 8, 1941
This date must be remembered in the world’s history when the United States officially declared war on Japan before entering World War 2.
Japanese troops attacked the French, Philippines, and Indochina, i.e.,(Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia), along with British Singapore. Japanese occupied the Philippines, Indochina, as well as Singapore in April 1942 and took over Burma.
- December 11-13, 1941
On this date, Nazi Germany, along with its Axis partners, declared war On the United States in the answer of what the US did.
- June 28, 1942-September 1942
On this date, Nazi Germany, along with its Axis partners, attacked the Soviet Union in the city of Stalingrad, Caucasus.
Germany was at the peak of its military success in World War 2 after having penetrated Egypt.
- August 7-February 9, 1943
On this date, something unusual happened: for the first time, the first Allied armies rebelled against Japanese forces and took Florida, Tulagi, and Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands.
- August 23, 1944
Soviet troops induce the Romanian opposition to overthrow the Antonescu regime.
- August 29, 1944-October 28, 1944
During this period, specific incidents took place.
- Slovak National Council’s leadership.
- In late October, the Germans captured Banska Bystrica.
- October 20, 1944
US troops landed in the Philippines.
- April 30, 1945
This was the year when a shocking thing happened. Hitler commits suicide.
- May 1945
Allied armies conquered Okinawa(The last island stop before the main Japanese islands).
- August 6, 1945
On this day, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
- August 8, 1945
On this day, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan and invaded Manchuria.
- August 9, 1945
On this day, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki.
- September 2, 1945
Finally, on this day, Japan formally surrendered, and it was the end of World War 2.
The Major Outbreak Of World War 2
The World War 2 facts seem endless, and they are pretty deep. To understand the aspects, one must dig into the whole scenario. In late August 1939, Adolf Hitler and Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin signed the German-Soviet Non-aggression Pact, which was troublesome for London and Paris.

On September 1, 1939, Hitler invaded Poland. After two days, France and Britain declared war on Germany, beginning World War II.
On September 17, Soviet troops invaded Poland. The attack from both sides leads to the failure of Poland. By early 1940, Germany and the Soviet Union had divided control over the nation.
Key Takeaways
The chaos and challenges that came post-war left the world traumatized forever. People who became homeless were rescued somehow, but the situation was still dramatic.

The world has seen enough during and after the war. Nevertheless, this was not just a war but an eye-opening historical event that led to misery, outbreaks, etc.
World War II consists of a series of incidents and happenings one must know about. Some World War II facts are beyond our imagination, and it’s really important to dig past to understand the effects of war so that the future can be more secure and people can be more aware of the disguises that can happen because of war.
Last Updated on July 8, 2024 by Sathi Chakraborty